Throat 37 by Clyor. Throat Discomfort Spray

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I work any where from 8 to 10 hour shifts at my job. We are the consumer care department for a large company and we end up talking all day long. Some calls are short but most are long, where we answer questions, provide information, start orders and so on. We do a lot of explaining and by day two or three of the work week my throat feels a little soar and irritated.

I was extremely happy to try this out and find a way to combat my workday woes. It tastes really fruity, mild and good. I had no problems with the initial taste or after taste. There was no burning or thick ucky feeling after using it either.

I would definitely suggest this for anyone that sings, talks a lot or is a public speaker of some kind. It is a great way to sooth your vocal cords and stay on top of your game. I am leaving the link to Throat 37 here in the post. Click it order and get specs.

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